buenos noches blogger land!
i have not done a free hand french in forever, mostly because i'm not very good at it and i'm a perfectionist. so when i stare at my fingers all day and see the mistakes, i end up just taking it off. and a good french deserves more than a day of wear i think, am i right?! haha, anyway my nails have grown pretty well so i decided to give it a go. i went with the natural smile line and used essie blanc for the white, then fixed the line with a regular chisel art brush and acetone. which should make the line just about perfect, but nay it is not. oh well! i covered it with china glaze love letters, should've done two or three coats, but i ended up rushing so i could only do one and a quick seche vite top. i ended up with bubbles cuz i didn't thin my seche before :( and i couldn't tell at first, but the yellow of my beds is really personified. EW!! no bueno.
but a trip to ulta on friday resulted in FINALLY finding nail tek's foundation II ridge filler/base coat (which i've had a lemming for forever, mostly from mary's blog "body and soul") so i used it to mattify the french. which helped a little. anyway, never one to leave well enough alone...i had also purchased an ulta glitter polish (they were on sale for $2, regularly $5) called after party, a red and silver glitter, so i put that on top. i also threw on rush topcoat to make it super super shiny. i went the third day with a glitter french. so *phew* i think three days is a good run no? haha :)
i have not done a free hand french in forever, mostly because i'm not very good at it and i'm a perfectionist. so when i stare at my fingers all day and see the mistakes, i end up just taking it off. and a good french deserves more than a day of wear i think, am i right?! haha, anyway my nails have grown pretty well so i decided to give it a go. i went with the natural smile line and used essie blanc for the white, then fixed the line with a regular chisel art brush and acetone. which should make the line just about perfect, but nay it is not. oh well! i covered it with china glaze love letters, should've done two or three coats, but i ended up rushing so i could only do one and a quick seche vite top. i ended up with bubbles cuz i didn't thin my seche before :( and i couldn't tell at first, but the yellow of my beds is really personified. EW!! no bueno.
but a trip to ulta on friday resulted in FINALLY finding nail tek's foundation II ridge filler/base coat (which i've had a lemming for forever, mostly from mary's blog "body and soul") so i used it to mattify the french. which helped a little. anyway, never one to leave well enough alone...i had also purchased an ulta glitter polish (they were on sale for $2, regularly $5) called after party, a red and silver glitter, so i put that on top. i also threw on rush topcoat to make it super super shiny. i went the third day with a glitter french. so *phew* i think three days is a good run no? haha :)

also my sister decided to paint my toesies since i always paint hers while she was over the other day, so here's her work! revlon's cherries in the snow :) super cuuuute!