i was on the fence about buying this guy, because the color didn't jump out at me. even seeing the swatches on other blogs i wasn't super impressed with opi's "sheer" your toys from the holiday in toyland collection. it's a pale lavender-ish gray with bits of reddish flecks in it. however, it has grown on me and now i love it. i found it in a discount bin and i was on a binge (haha) and none of the other colors were doing it for me so i picked it up. i can see it being one of my favorite colors for real. a unique color and not too crazy so it is very wearable.
- nailtiques formula 2 nail protein
- orly bonder
- 2 coats "sheer" your toys
- seche vite

i also did this mani a little different, i got this genius idea to oil my cuticles before i polished to see if it would help keep the polish off my skin and WHOOPIE it worked like a charm, and believe it or not, these pictures are taken with absolutely no cleanup. (decide for yourselves if that is a good thing or not haha) and then like magic, i read on a few blogs and such that it is not a new idea, people have been doing this trick forever. so boo, i'm late to catch on. anyway, it's a cool idea for someone like me who hasn't heard of it yet. love ya!