i love the name of this brand, finger paints! of COURSE! haha, why didn't someone think of that before? because duh that's what we'z be doin' yo. (sorry i'm listening to asher roth. i love rap. even tho his stuff is pretty weak sauce. dirty rap makes me giggle.) anywayyyz dawgs these are some borrowed polishes but i think i might pick up a few cuz they ROCKED. i loved the design of the brush handle, flared at the bottom like a paint pot or somethin. it was great formula and take a look at the pretties below for some of the colors i tried :D
turquoise tile - 2 coats

yellow bikini - 3 coats

natural talent - 3 coats

i wore natural talent as a full mani but i liked the turquoise tile the best. it simply painted itself on! and soooo easy to apply. the yellow was one of the better ones i've tried too. like i said, i think i need to get my butt to sally beauty and get some finger paints of my own! hope your weeks are going super fresh funky awesome fly ♥