i found the brand tropez in walgreens in a tiny area near the back of the wall of cosmetics and i swear if i would've blinked, i could've missed them. i was actually looking for milani, which someone told me was there even though i swore that only CVS carried them. (they were there but wasn't impressed by any of them) anyway, i fell in love with the super pearl series bottles, they're square bottomed and tall rectangles kind of like i imagine barry m's to be so i knew i had to get one.

this color is called
aqua pearl and rightfully so. aqua is the perfect description as i can just feel myself diving into the ocean of the color. the brush, bottle, and formula were all spot on and worked awesome. there weren't a ton of color choices, about 6 and they were pretty primary. but i do recommend checking them out the next time you drop by your friendly local walgreens haha :)