
essie ball-timore

i've wanted essie's ball-timore for a while. it has long since been discontinued, but i was able to get it from transdesign :)  it was part of the Summer Balls collection which included a polish with the funniest name i've ever heard, meet-balls. i don't own it personally, but my friend mickelle does. i'll have to borrow it to swatch one of these days haha.
ball-timore isn't a shade i normally go for, as it is kind of frosty. i hate hate hate brush strokes so i had to be careful with this guy. and it does take a fair amount of coats to make opaque. this is three (rather sloppy now that i can see the pics blown up sorry!) coats with no topcoat. i think i'll use a thicker ridgefiller next time too... but i still love the pretty candy pink that is ball-timore! it's very girly and fun.