
ocean love potion

my gorgeous fantastic sister Clarrisa got me this polish from sephora on one of her many business trips with her company, Nu Skin. she gets to go freaking everywhere, she's been to Hong Kong and all over the states. hopefully she'll get to go to Africa (Malawi) soon, where the company's charity organization Force For Good has one project called "Seeds of Hope" that she personally helped conceive. she's pretty much amazing.

anyway, back to the awesome polish she got me! this is sephora by opi's ocean love potion. it is a medium dusty teal/turquoise color that i fell head over heels with. i hear it is a tad darker than misa's dirty sexy money but pretty close. sephora's website describes it as "a sensuous shade inspired by the gorgeous meeting of sea and sky in Capri" [] and i have to agree haha. very Mediterranean. i wore this color in winter and i will wear it in summer. awesome formula, i love them SOPIs! this is two coats.

in direct sun
have a happy thursday kids!