
flying dragon

this china glaze polish is one of my absolute favorites. it's flying dragon, a gorgeous speckley medium reddish purple with blue/reddish glitter pieces in it. what i love love love about this polish is that it dries matte and has this crazy texture like freaking DRAGON SKIN!!! which is pretty badass and amazing on china glaze's part if you ask me :D the texture comes from mixing the glitter with a neon polish, as this is from the INK collection ChG did in the summer of 2008 that was full of neons. that collection was just hardcore fantastic if you ask me. i mean, everyone likes tattoos right ;) haha j/k i know a lot of people don't but i think it was a sweet theme for a polish collection.
this swatch was done back when i had my sh*tty camera so the pictures aren't amazing but i think they get the point across. i'll probably re-do these soon so idk why i'm posting these...probably just to get them out of my picture folder on my computer :) this is three coats if i remember correctly.

flash,no topcoat (not color accurate, less red IRL)

lamp light, no topcoat (again, not color accurate, brighter & more red IRL)

flash, with seche vite topcoat (pretty close to color accurate)

saving the best pic for last: lamplight, with seche vite