The Time Has Come...

I have been contemplating writing this post for a while now, and I can't put it off any longer. I have been blogging for a long time, si...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

nox twilight disco darling

this is the last of the nox twilight polishes i have to show you all for now. and it is the one with the worst name. but it is perhaps the funnest polish out of the bunch. disco darling. mmm. yep. can i ask you what in the hell does disco have to do with twilight?? nothing. we'll call this one sparkles like diamonds, because it does--just like edward in the sun heehee.

this polish is pretty spectacular. it's a little on the thick side, but i forgave it since it's full of holographic silver sparkley glitter goodness. one coat is good for a topcoat, adding some sexy sparkle to a nice creme or something. and three brings it to it's full opaque potential, holo-rific! gorgeous inside or out.
lamp light
blurry, to show holo
would you wear this glitter bomb? or would you prefer it as a topcoat? i prefer it on it's own, but that's just me :)


this product/products were sent to me for review purposes. please see disclosure statement for more information.
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