ever since i first heard that one of essie's new fall colors was a dupe for rescue beauty lounge's
diddy mow, i knew i had to have it. i have been absolutely lusting after
diddy mow since it came out in early spring in their "surf collection". essie's
sew psyched is a great substitute at a cheaper price. the color is a sexy green that reminds me of dirt at the bottom of a tide pool or old army fatigues. essie describes it as a "cashmere soft sage pewter", which is just weird if you ask me haha, but cute. it has a slight hint of shimmer in it too which makes it even hotter. i fell head over heels with it. the only downside was that it dries incredibly slow. i ended up repainting three nails because my quick-dry topcoats RUINED the paint, which is beyond bizarre. oh well, that just equals more patience when it comes to this mani i guess. the only other color that caught my eye from the "fall into fashion" collection was
merino cool, but i skipped it over. might be regretting it now...
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