
dos bb coutures

oooh weee bee bee! bb couture, to be exact =) i love them polishes! if you want to learn more about bb couture, my lovely fellow blogger Kelly from VampyVarnish has an excellent interview with the owner Cindy Scott HERE.

this color is called midnight malibu. i got this from a blog sale and i was shocked that someone would let this gem go! oh well, another man's treasure, or does it go? haha anyhoo, this is a inky purple-blue color packed to the brim with bb's signature glitter, mostly green, some silver, pink, and gold. and WOW is there a lot of glitter! totally reminds me of the night sky. this is two coats.
and the second BB i have to show you babies is intake valve.  this one is interesting, taupey with a pink fleshy tone rather than a purple hue like most taupes that are coming out these days.  from the men's collection, this is in the square bottle.  i definitely need to get more of these, the men's collection is FABULOUS (check out my wishlist, the # of BBs on it is getting ridiculous!).  idk a lot of men that wear polish, even though i beg the ones i know to let me put polish on them, they rarely let me.  but if your guy is down with sporting some lacquer on his tips or toes, point him the way of these polishes!  this is two coats.  i like this color better on darker skinned ladies, as it stands out more, but i love it on me too.  it also has a hidden gold shimmer!
i have a few more BB's coming at you soon so stay tuned luvas!


i purchased these products myself. please see disclosure statement for more information.