My friend Kae from The Hungry Asian has been making franken polishes for a long time and just recently has begun to sell some to make money to send to Japan for charity. I will show you the charity set I bought from her soon but wanted to show you the custom franken Kae so fabulously made me out of the total awesomeness of her creative heart! I requested that she use this great blue glitter she used in one of her great frankens called Sneeze Breeze so we call this franken Gonzo's Breeze. It has tons of the gorgeous blue glitter and tiny green, pink, bigger green, bigger magenta, and even some black glitter pieces in it! It's seriously a-mah-zing and I am soooo in la la love with it! It freaked out my camera and it was hard to get sharp photos of it haha, but here are my best attempts :)

Thanks a million bazillion times Kae my love!