My wonderfully talented friend Kae from The Hungry Asian blog recently started selling some franken polishes she mixes up herself. She decided to give the proceeds from the profits of her mini sets to Red Cross Japan to help rebuild after the devastation earlier this year. The mini sets all include her two most popular polishes, Strawberry and Cookies n' Cream plus another polish. There are currently three or four different mini sets to choose from on sale now I believe. I got the one that included Watermelon.
Strawberry is a red crème with a black glitter speckles. The exact thing I think of when I hear Strawberry in the context of a nail polish. This is two coats.

Cookies n' Cream is a super awesome white crème polish with black glitter speckles. Totally reminds me of the ice cream, yummmm :) This is three coats.

Watermelon is a juicy pink jelly crème with tons of icy green crystal micro glitter pieces. This is so pretty and fun and perfect for summer, I love this! Two coats.

You can buy this set from The Hungry Asian blog shop for $15, and remember all proceeds from the mini sets go to Red Cross Japan :D