Anydance, back to the polish. The first polish I have to show you from this collection is the sexy Salsa! She is a ga ga gorgeous hot pink jelly with oodles of gold flakes. The brush had a few wonky bits (boo!) but otherwise it applied fine. Covered fab in two coats. It looks quite magenta in the bottle but leans a more strawberry pink on the nail.
A weird thing though, I would see a black speck in the polish as I applied sometimes, like every other nail, and when I would try to brush them off they would smear, like pigment. WTF?! I don't know what's up with that but it made me go "GRRR!" fo'sho. It wasn't a tragedy, and as you can see it wasn't anything I couldn't fix, but it was annoying and weird. Oh well, this is a nice fancy pink and I really like it.