Soul-er Powered is a warm sunny yellow with lots of silver and gold shimmer. It is really fabulous, maybe my favorite yellow shimmer ever! It is just so happy and bright, I love it. This is two coats, it was very nicely opaque and creamy.

Positive ZEN-ergy is a warm mossy green with silver shimmer. I love the shimmer in this shade, it makes me think of frosted glass shower doors haha. This one was super easy to apply too, a big plus. Sometimes these crème based shimmers can get thick but this was on point. Two coats.

I thought Positive ZEN-ergy looked familiar at first sight, and then I realized it is very close to a BB Couture polish I just reviewed! Sexy Centerfold is super similar in base color, but PZ has bigger shimmer particles.

Gotta Have Fate is a gorgeous orange coral, super creamy and opaque. This is also two coats. I swear I have a million corals, but I always want more! I think they look really nice on my skin tone. (The second photo of this looks a little muted, because the sun decided to hide and I only got one good sun picture.)

I usually love Barielle's polishes, glad they have new ones out. These are on sale at for $8 each, and they are currently buy one get one 50% off. The three other polishes in this collection are really pretty too, Welcome-OHM is a crème plum, Do Unto Others is a blue/green jelly crème, and Buddha-ful is a beige with soft baby pink, blue, and light gray foil flakes. Check em out!

Products provided for review.