Hey folks, how the heck are ya? I have been overhauling my back yard with my family for the past few days and have been too tired to blog haha. We used to have horses and it's been a lot of work taking down fences and shoveling out hay and blah blah, not super interesting, but time consuming. I was wearing this shade for a few days this week, a neon from China Glaze's 2010
Poolside collection,
Flip Flop Fantasy.
This is like four coats plus topcoat, it's got a terrible formula but it's a dope color. Very pinky coral orangey neon, bright as heck. Very hard to capture in a photo. I've been in a neon mood lately, gearing up for the summer I suppose. Also, if you're a fan of scary movies, or just crazy good movies, go see
The Cabin in the Woods immediately. It's incredible.