First is Did You ’ear About Van Gogh? which is a rather clever name. I am an art buff and actually adore Van Gogh. OPI describes this as a "sandy bisque" which is right on the money. It's a lovely neutral pale beige. It dries a touch darker than it appears in the bottle. This is two coats.
Thanks a WindMillion is a gorgeous pale sea green. I really adore this, it's slightly dusty and subdued. When I first saw this, it reminded me of Mermaid's Tears from the Pirates collection, but it is darker and more muted.
Here is Pedal Faster Suzi! I just did some research and found that Amsterdam might be the most bike-friendly city in the world. So the name makes sense :) This polish is a lavender tinged pink with lots of silvery white glass fleck shimmer. I wasn't too happy with this one's application. It was thin and pooled in my cuticles, which got the shimmer everywhere and was hard to get off my skin. I was surprised by how sheer it was, this is four coats.
I Don’t Give a Rotterdam! is a cool-toned dusty steel blue full of shimmery glass flecks, both silver and pale gold. At certain angles, the flake shimmer bits almost look dark grey. I like this color very much. It's a unique finish for this color in my collection, it kind of reminds me of denim. This is two coats.
I Have a Herring Problem is a similar finish and color as the previous polish, but it is different. It's warmer, almost a tone closer to teal rather than a cornflower. This one has a more prominent gold color to the flecks but I think there's some silver to them too. Two coats.
Gouda Gouda Two Shoes is a brownish rose with sparse pinky gold sparkles. I am not in love with this color but I could see it working on someone with maybe a paler skin tone. This was thin, so I had to work to avoid cuticle pooling. This is two coats.
This is Dutch ’Ya Just Love OPI? a lovely grape purple with reddish gold sparkle. This is very pretty, but not too original these days. Guess if you like OPI's formula then you'll choose this one over the dupes out there. This is two coats.
Kiss Me on My Tulips is a bright hot pink. I might have seen this before, it's not super unique but it is very pretty. Plus the name is adorable. This is two coats.
Red Lights Ahead…Where? is a mega bright coral red. I guess I don't get why they named this color as they did, highlighting a sex working district doesn't sound like a flattering way to advertise the country. *shrug* Oh well, whatddya gonna do? This is a nice crème and is very pigmented, two coats here.
Wooden Shoe Like to Know? is a milk chocolate brown with coppery gold shimmer. It has the slightest purple tone to it which comes out more indoors than out in the sun. This is three coats. Wooden shoes are probably the first thing that pops into my mind when I hear "Holland", the second probably would be windmills :)
This one is called A Roll in The Hague, which I had to look up to understand. (It's a city in South Holland.) This orange is super pigmented, it really stained my cuticles. It dries a little darker than it appears in the bottle. This swatch is two coats.
Vampsterdam was probably my most anticipated polish in the collection when I saw the press release. It is a dark vampy aubergine frost. Very reminiscent of older OPIs like Black Tie Optional. This is two coats. I LOVE THIS!
There are a tons of nail polish bloggers from the Netherlands and it always seems to me that they have the most beautiful nails! I'm super jealous of a lot of them :) I hope you like this review! Let me know what your picks are from the Holland collection, any of these speak to you?

Products provided for review.