I had been wondering what to layer the last polish I got from Lush Lacquer (you can see the others I got from them by clicking here) over and I decided that Collide was perfect. Mr. Bubble is a glitter polish with a clear base, micro pink matte round glitter, small white and blue matte hex glitters, medium matte pink hex glitters, and large white and blue matte hex glitters. This is such a fun mani!
I don't much care for some of the glitters that look like paper printed on a machine with the ink running low, like the color is almost pixelated? Makes it look kinda cheap, but it isn't on all of them and I can live with it. (Even though I have decided against purchasing glitters that I saw look like this in photos...) Regardless, I really like how this turned out! You can get Illamasqua at their website or on Sephora for $14. Lush Lacquer is sold on their Etsy store, minis are two for $9.50 and full size are $8.75. How do you like this combo?