Talia's last Instagram photo was a picture of her and her mom and sister wearing a mint creme polish, so as a sign of support for her life and legacy, the blogging community is posting mint manicures for her today.
I chose Mint Original Mint with an accent nail of Zoya Vespa. Original Mint is described as "part Tiffany's blue, part spearmint candy" which I feel is quite accurate. It's a great cream polish that applies like butter. Two coats. Vespa is a matte sparkle textured polish described as "a mint kiss with a sugared sparkle". I love this mani and I am wearing it with a heart full of admiration for the undeniable spirit of Talia Joy.
You can get Mint polish on www.mintpolish.com for $12 each and Zoya nail polish on www.zoya.com for $9 each. For anyone interested in participating by posting your mint manis on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr or anything else, you can use the hashtags: #MintManisForTaliaJoy and #TaliasLegacy.
Remember, just keep swimming!

Product samples were provided for consideration.