On my pointer and ring finger is Dream House, which is gold and on my middle and pinky fingers is Dream Car, which is silver. Both are super densely packed and easy to apply. This is one thick coat each over black. They dry slightly matte so you'll need a shiny top coat over them.
I put a short video on my instagram a while ago to show the blingyness a little better. (Sorry, I didn't know how to mute it or add music or anything so you can hear me mouth breathing, I think I had a cold or something at the time haha.)
You can purchase these from The Hungry Asian's Etsy store for $9.25 each for a full size bottle or $4.50 each for a mini. Or you can buy both full size together in a set for $16.50, which saves you $2.00! Everything they put out is of excellent quality and these are no exception. I think they're really must haves for anyone who likes to layer with glitter. What do you think of these?
❤ Kellie
The products mentioned were provided for an honest review.