
Starry Night Comparison: Pretty Serious vs. Colors by Llarowe

Hey there! Today I wanted to show you a quick comparison of two polishes I've reviewed in the past that seemed similar to me. Colors by Llarowe Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and Pretty Serious Eye of Copernicus. They are both supposed to be a recreation of sorts of iconic and discontinued beauty Essie Starry, Starry Night. Let's see how they compare shall we? **EDIT: I have since learned that Eye of Copernicus is actually supposed to be a reimagined version of Chanel Ciel De Nuit, not SSN.**

Left - CBL Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star , Right - PS Eye of Copernicus
Pointer & Ringer finger - Eye of Copernicus, Middle & Pinky finger - Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

The photo shows two coats of each shade. The main difference is that EoC is a shade or two darker navy than TTLS. It's also more opaque. TTLS is more squishy and jelly-ish but it's thicker. There seems to be more glitter in EoC.

You can purchase Pretty Serious polishes from their website for $9.50 AUD and you can get Colors by Llarowe from their website for $12 each. I like both of these but I've gotta pick EoC because it's easier to apply, it's more affordable and Pretty Serious has cuter packaging. Which one of these would you pick?

Love ya!

❤ Kellie
Some of the products mentioned were provided for an honest review.