The Time Has Come...

I have been contemplating writing this post for a while now, and I can't put it off any longer. I have been blogging for a long time, si...

Showing posts with label awakening collection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awakening collection. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

All About Nail Polish Tag

Hello there! Today I wanted to do a tag that was started by a few of my favorite YouTube ladies, Lindsay, Holly, Zenorah, Jess, and Amy. I haven't done one of these in forever and my friend Paola did it on her blog & youtube and tagged me, so I decided it would be fun to do finally! Plus, I've had almost zero sun lately so it's been hard for me to swatch new polish :P

1. What is your favorite nail polish finish (eg. Crème, crelly, glitter, etc.)?
This is a hard question for me because while I like them all, my affection for them usually comes in phases haha. Like for a while I'll be into holographics exclusively, then I only want to wear jellies, then it's all about the glitters. It seems like I'm wearing crème shades more often than the other finishes lately though, so I'll go with that haha. But it seriously varies all the time.

2. What is your favorite “ugly pretty” shade?
I have a great fondness for polish colors that people say are "ugly pretty". I love things that are not typically beautiful. Hands down, my favorite of these has to be China Glaze Zombie Zest. It came out in the China Glaze Awakening collection for Halloween in 2010 (best Halloween trio ever?) and I've loved and worn it every year since. I even managed to score a back-up bottle from my friend who went to IMATS this year, yay! It's a swampy olivey green jelly with gallons of golden shimmer/glass flecks that shift to a turquoise blue in certain lights. Insane. (I'm pretty sure this made it on a few of the original tag creators' lists too!)
China Glaze Zombie Zest
China Glaze Zombie Zest (shade)

3. Which polish in your collection is the most sentimental to you?
It has to be Rescue Beauty Lounge Kellie Gonzo. This is the polish I created with the, now retired, Rescue Beauty brand. It was such an exciting event and milestone in my blogging career to create a polish, especially with such a prestige brand. This is a bright sunny coral with orange and silver glitter bits. It's also the polish I've gone through the most of, luckily I have a back-up bottle or three!
Rescue Beauty Lounge Kellie Gonzo

4. If you could go back in time to buy any collection, what would it be?
If we're going for a full collection, hands down has to be China Glaze OMG. These were kind of the first ultra linear holographic collection seen from a mainstream brand and boy do they impress! I have managed to track down a lot of them, but I don't have the full collection (or full bottles of the ones I do have!). But my all time biggest polish lemming has to be Urban Decay ID. It's a sheer jelly polish that shifts from orange to pink fire. I don't know if I'll ever get a hold of it, but if I do I would cherish it forever! Also, Chanel Jade because I can't pick just one thing.
image via china glaze
Image via
Image via Lextard @

5. What is your go-to “all occasion” polish?
Sally Hansen Pacific Blue original. This polish is a bright but slightly dusty cobalt blue crème with a perfect one-coat formula. I love this color and think it's very wearable, but the biggest reason it's my all occasion polish is because it's so damn easy and fast to put on! I will never understand why Sally Hansen chose to reformulate this polish and completely change it. I know some might think a blue isn't appropriate for "all occasions", but since I'm a simple kind of girl, there aren't many times I would feel inappropriate wearing a blue nail polish.
Sally Hansen Pacific Blue original

6. What items are essential to your nail care routine?
The most important part of my nail care routine is cuticle oil. I am NEVER without it. I've spoken at length about my cuticle woes before, if you're interested you can read some of the posts here, here, and here. Next is a great base coat, I basically always have a base coat on. Keeping my nails "sealed" with some kind of polish, especially when my hands are in water, has just about 95% fixed my peeling edges. Top coat is also a necessity, I don't remember the last time I wore a full manicure without it.

7. What is your favorite “newly discovered” brand (indie or mainstream)?
This was also a tough question because I have found so many great ones recently, but I have to choose Nine Zero Lacquer. This is the brand created by Jess of JessFACE90 (one of the collaborators of this tag too). I have been lucky enough to be able to swatch for her and I haven't disliked one of her shades yet! Being a nail vlogger/swatcher herself, she knows what's good so she uses that experience to create beautiful shades with great formulas.

8. What is your go-to “bad ass” color (the color that makes you feel sexiest or most badass)?
I love a mega bright, in your face, unapologetic neon shade. It makes me feel like I'm a tough betch who can wear whatever I want, damn all who might be offended haha. Maybe that seems silly, but it's seriously how I feel when I wear neons. An example is Formula X Danger Zone. How hot is that??
Formula X Danger Zone

9. Indie or mainstream?
Usually I have a good mix of both that I pick to wear from, but these days I've been wearing (and blogging about) waaay more indies. I just find their selection to be so much more varied and unique than mainstream, which is kind of understandable, but still. And with the sheer number of indie brands out there that are producing such good products, it's hard not to want to buy everything in sight!

10. Which brand’s collections do you look forward to the most?
It has always been China Glaze for me. Out of the mainstream world, they have always been the ones to take chances instead of playing it safe when it comes to color and finish. They don't always get it 100% perfect, but who does? I've loved them since I started blogging and I don't see that changing any time soon.

Please please do this tag if you want, it's so fun! And if you don't have a blog or YouTube channel, let me know your answers in the comments! See ya again soon!

❤ Kellie
Some of the products mentioned were provided for an honest review.

Friday, October 22, 2010

china glaze ick-a-bod-y

the name of this polish cracks me up :) it works for a Halloween polish on so many levels. "ick" being the gross factor in all things ooky and kooky during this time of year, "body" as in dead bodies roaming the earth devouring flesh! (sorry i just watched Resident Evil) and it's also a play on the name Ichabod Crane from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. yay for china glaze! bad ass name.
this is the last of this year's ChG Halloween polishes, I got the Awakening set of three (Mummy May I and Zombie Zest) with the Fast Forward topcoat from VNS :D a little note on that topcoat, i really love it like A LOT, it dries super fast on me. but the smell is horrendous, i always got a headache when i used it. and as someone who suffers from chronic headaches, i would rather jump off a cliff than knowingly engage in an activity likely to bring one on! it's too bad, because it's a great topcoat. IF you can stand the smell.
ick-a-bod-y is the polish i was probably least excited about from the three, but honestly i ended up liking it just as much as the others. i was gawking at my nails all day when i wore it. i tend to think orange works well with my skintone and the murky green base, while barely detectable as green, makes it really pop. i like that they did something different, rather than just black and orange. kudos ChG (again haha). this is two coats, photographed in afternoon sunlight.
are you planning any special manis for Halloween?  i think i'm going to rock the candy corn mani everyone has been trying out...we'll see :)


i bought this myself. please see disclosure statement for more information.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

china glaze zombie zest

ok kiddos, i sometimes feel blech about posting some polishes, because i know a lot of you have seen them a million times and that might get boring, yeah? except then i thought about all of those folks who might not read other blogs or only a few, etc. and those who just don't ever get sick of seeing the same stuff. i'm one of the latter, i really don't mind seeing a hundred swatches of the same polish! why? because it always looks different :) each blogger has their own style and application and the polish is always presented in a new way. i find this to be my favorite part of reading blogs, other than finding new pretties, is to see the creative and fun ways people present their words and photos. so what i'm getting at is, i hope you all feel the same and don't mind me posting photos of super publicized polishes, because if i have them, i'm going to post about them sooner or later :D

zombie zest is one of china glaze's halloween polishes that came out this year and it is seriously the bee's knees! i couldn't stop staring at my nails when i wore it, it was so gorgeous. even my sister who normally hates weird colors like this, absolutely fell in love with it. it's kind of olive toned sheerish green toned with lots of gold green flecks of shimmer in it. two coats looked good, but i think three coats is my sweet spot for most polishes, and this guy looked awesome in three.
i love how the green kind of looks faded at the edge, like a gradient, very swamplike :D  plus, i'm kinda in love with zombie anything so i was SOOO getting this polish at any cost haha!


i bought this myself. please see disclosure statement for more information.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

china glaze mummy may i

halloween has got to be one of my all time favorite celebrations. fantasy, candy, and spookiness? all rolled into one crazy night? awesome. plus, uhh there's usually fantastic nail polish colors released around that time of year so DOUBLE sweet!

y'all know that china glaze is one of my top go-to brands for creative colors and their halloween collection this year did not disappoint. in fact, it was probably the best one this year! mummy may i is one of the three colors released in their "awakening" set for halloween. it's a black base with fuchsia glitter (kinda like bad romance by lippmann). it applied really well, just like most china glazes, and i loved how it looked on me! these should be in your sally beauty stores soon and are online now so don't hesitate to pick one up, i doubt they will last long!
what is your halloween costume this year? i think i'm leaning towards being Snooki from Jersey Shore or Amy Winehouse. they have almost the same hair...haha.


i purchased this product myself. please see disclosure statement for more information.
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