The Time Has Come...

I have been contemplating writing this post for a while now, and I can't put it off any longer. I have been blogging for a long time, si...

Showing posts with label bottle pics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bottle pics. Show all posts

Thursday, September 2, 2010

nicole hint of mint

nicole by opi's hint of mint really put the moves on me, i'll tell you what. this little lady snuck right in under my nose and just about knocked me over with gorgeous! a mint shade that i do not have??? the horror! haha, and i don't have a lot of nicole polishes because they usually don't wow me all that much and they are a bit expensive, but this one just made me jump for joy. it's a different take on the mint scene, with a more sheer and almost pearl ethereal finish but i love it.  very flattering and NOT limited edition, but i think it is exclusive to walmart.  this is three coats.
lamp light
i tweeted about this earlier but i picked up two new nicole polishes today at Target, Sensational Scarlet and Such a Go-Glitter. they are BLING-tastic and i think exclusive and limited so jump and run if ya want to take a look at em before they're gone!
have a great day luvviesss


Friday, August 13, 2010

banana puddin' & haul

i have a big wish list. i don't think i'm aspiring too high or something like that, i just like to know what i want! keeping track of them in a spreadsheet is the way i've found to organize them, to help me keep them in mind so eventually i will get to them haha. it's like keeping a goal list or something. because it's easy to say oh yeah i want that one day but then forget about it and then come across it someday and pass it by :P anyway, my point is that i have gotten a few of my "wish list" items recently and i'm pretty excited about it.

perhaps my FIRST lemming since i started blogging is maybelline banana puddin'. it's long discontinued and hard to find. the sexy pale creamy custardy yellow creme is very milky and slightly sheer, but i was prepared for that. this is 5 coats, and you can see the weird imploded trapped bubbles below the topcoat but i don't care haha. this color does not disappoint at all and i feel like it's very flattering on me.
(oopsie, smudge!)
lamp light
i got some nail mail today and wanted to share some pictures with you. i wanted to mention that these are all from my new camera, which i'm still getting used to. it's a canon sx210 powershot and i am not quite sure if i like it yet, but i'm getting close.

this is another one of my hugest lemmings, opi ds fantasy. a gorgeous dark blue with the diamond dust holo glitter. *siiiiiiigh*
this polish is called opi at your quebec & call, from the canada collection back in the day. another one of my hugest wants! it's an awesome olive golden green with shimmer.
i also got some amazing streetwear polishes from Claudia over at Chromatic Misadventures, thanks girl! i seriously think they should be making more polishes like this, bring back the brand revlon!
i was also VERY happy to see a sweet package on my porch when i got home from CND with some polishes to review. i have to say i love their bottle design, but i haven't tried a lot of their stuff. excited to see how they work out.
welp, that's the all i have to show you today :) did you enjoy? how do the pictures look, i'm still a bit worried about it o_O have a great weekend everyone *kisses*
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