The Time Has Come...

I have been contemplating writing this post for a while now, and I can't put it off any longer. I have been blogging for a long time, si...

Showing posts with label divas and drama collection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label divas and drama collection. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Scandalous vs. Starfish Patrick

Hi folks :) I really enjoy comparison posts, it really helps you as readers and that makes me happy. I wish I would make time for more of them, so I will definitely work on that in the future. This particular comparison was requested by someone when I posted the Rescue Beauty Lounge Spongebob Squarepants collection the other day.

The contenders are Cult Nails Scandalous, swatched here, and Rescue Beauty Lounge Starfish Patrick, swatched here. Scandalous is on the left, Starfish on the right.

Index and ring fingers features Scandalous, middle and pinkie have Starfish Patrick on. As you can see, Scandalous is darker and more straight jelly while Starfish Patrick is paler and more of a hybrid jelly crème formula. Scandalous is swatched with three coats and SP is swatched with four coats.

Both are excellent polishes, I honestly couldn't choose between them! Scandalous sells for $10 on and you will be able to get Starfish Patrick soon (around November) with Rescue Beauty Lounge's "Bring It Back" promotion later this year for $20 at

Products provided for review.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Cult Nails Divas & Drama Collection

Heeeyyy friends! I have a treat for you today, here is the new collection from Cult Nails, Divas and Drama! This collection features four awesome polishes by Maria with inspiration clues from her friends. I hope you like these as much as I do! Before the picture is a description from Maria of Cult Nails and after is my take on the shade.
Enticing - a very sheer pale milky pink. It is delicate in color but buildable to an almost opaque finish. This polish has been one of the top rated polishes my friends have been asking me to make. After hearing it repeatedly, I broke down. One friend in particular pointed out to me that it is the only color she wears and I would have to make one for her. 
I really can't believe how much I like this pink. It might at first glance seem ordinary, but it's really fab. The sheerness is easy to make less so, in three coats. It's soooo shiny and delicate, the quintessential classy lady polish. It was a little thin so I had to make sure it didn't flood my cuticles, but other than that it was a dream.

Scandalous - It is a pastel coral jelly polish. This is buildable to almost opaqueness in 2 - 3 coats. Jelly polishes by nature are sheer but buildable. This polish was requested by a cultie and former blogger Scandalous Ange on Twitter one night. Thanks to the power of the internet, live on Twitter we each mixed and compared and worked repeatedly to make this polish everything she wanted it to be. I love being able to bring people the colors they want. 
I absolutely ADORE this polish, almost as much as I love Ange, whom this polish was created for/partially-by. Coral polish is my heart, and jellies are my soul, so how could I NOT fall head over heels for this baby! I just literally freaking LOVE THIS POLISH!! This is three coats but you could do two to make it more transparent. Seriously, buy this NOW!!!

Manipulative - This is an opaque pale blue with a hint of green creme polish with a subtle shimmer that comes out in the sunlight. Last summer we went away for the weekend with our family and some friends. We went to a local beach and the water was this amazing milky blue color that kept showing hints of green. When the sun would hit the water just right, this amazing shimmer throughout the water was noticeable. I must have taken a hundred photos of the water and as soon as we returned home, I set out to replicate it in polish. 
I thought this was a mint green polish when I was looking at it in the bottle, but realized uh no it's blue! Beautiful sky, baby blue with subtle sparkle. This is a beautiful polish and the formula is fab. This is two coats.

Seduction - A sheer purple/red jelly top coat polish loaded with red and blue multichromatic flakes. When I created Clairvoyant a friend asked if I could make her a version that was purple, red and blue. I set to work on it right away and came up with Seduction, the cousin to the now sold out Clairvoyant. This shade is limited edition as the ingredients used to make this polish are no longer available as a U.S. made commodity. 
This is the polish on it's own, even though it's most likely supposed to be a top coat. I actually like it on it's own, it's very fun and deep looking. I'll have to do a comparison with Maria's first flaky polish Clairvoyant. It is very sheer on it's own so this is four coats.

Here is Seduction layered over Misa's A Sin Worth Committing, a shimmery navy blue polish. I really like how this combo turned out, bright shimmering beautiful! The flakes really pop on the blue background. This is two coats on one of ASWC.

You can get these right now at for $10 each. RUN don't walk over there ladies!

Products provided for review.
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