The Time Has Come...

I have been contemplating writing this post for a while now, and I can't put it off any longer. I have been blogging for a long time, si...

Showing posts with label eyeko. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eyeko. Show all posts

Friday, September 24, 2010

eyeko pinks

eyeko has been a brand that is quickly rising in popularity with me. the last few polishes i've tried of theirs have been stellar! these next two are pinks, adorable no? =) every girl needs a little pink. and eyeko thinks so too, because first up is chi chi polish for girlie nails. a sweet vintage pink glitter in a milky pale pink creme base. i love that they used a colored base on this one, instead of a clear one. i kinda hate clear based glitter most of the time, because i'm not much for layering :/ this is very pretty and didn't take much for opacity, only two generous coats! it was a bit gritty so a topcoat is a must. this would also be great as a layering polish, but again, i'm not big on that soooo...
i had high hopes for punk polish for neon nails, as i had heard glowing reviews about it, but i couldn't really get it to work for me at first. i literally redid my swatch five times before i decided i had to thin it a little, it was just too thick--i kept getting massive air bubbles and had horrible application problems. a few drops of lacquer thinner and viola, almost perfect! went on like a dream, very pigmented and neon. this is three coats of the thinned version, and as you can see, i still had a little bubbling :P
in this flash pictures, it takes on almost a purpley tone, but it's definitely pink, that's just the neon messing with the flash.
so i'd say as a fan, i would pick chi chi as a winner and punk as a nice-to-have kind of polish but not a must-own for me. what do you think?


these products were sent to me for an honest review. please see disclosure statement for more information.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

rain & hidden treasure

i wore the eyeko rain polish i posted about a while ago as a full mani a few days ago and wondered what it would look like to put a coat of sally hansen's flakey rainbow hidden treasure over it.  and the results were AMAZING!  i absolutely loved it.  til then i had only worn it over darker colors, but it's way pretty over lighter colors too!
lamp light
the eyeko product used in this post was sent to me for review purposes. please see disclosure statement for more information.

Monday, July 19, 2010

eyeko saucy & rain polish

eyeko's two newest polishes are at the opposite ends of the spectrum from each other. saucy polish for naughty nails and rain polish for city nails couldn't get much different from each other, but it's cool that they came out at the same time and together! something for everyone huh.

saucy polish is a HOT red scarlet polish that is seriously an uber creme. i don't have too many straight red cremes, i don't usually feel like they suit me all that much, but i could get used to this one. it went on really well, my ring finger had basecoat issues haha. this is two coats but someone who is more careful than i could get away with one, this is SOOOO pigmented!
lamp light
rain polish is a chic light grey blue color with the slightest hint of shimmer. really reminds me of london's cloudy skies so of course i love it! two coats here too :) i love opaque cremes!
lamp light
i just love eyeko's labels!  they're adorable.  *yawn* should really go to beddy-by.  i'm going to see Kings of Leon in concert tomorrow!!  i'm so excited i could pee my pants, they're my favorite band ever!!  yay!

disclosure: this product/products were sent to me for review purposes.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

eyeko polish

these are my first eyeko polishes ever and i absolutely love them. eyeko means "love" in japanese and the logo of this company looks very brit/harajuku :) it's a london based company so you have to order them online, USA girls but that's alright, they're worth it. i was sent posh polish: for ladylike nails, tea rose polish: for country nails, and vampira polish: for gothic nails.

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