top photo: flash, bottom photo: lamp light
in stitches is a "mom" mauve haha, but it's still wearable. conservative pinky rose.merino cool is the purpley taupe color that everyone and their dog has been putting out these days, but i like this one a lot. essie formulas tend to do well on me.
limited addiction is sexy! a dark, cool red jelly-creme that turns brighter and lighter in direct light.
little brown dress is very pretty, another jelly-creme, this color reminds me of hot fudge or a deep-colored teddy bear. (sorry for the ruddy cuticles, limited addiction stained them a bit!)
and velvet voyeur is another familiar looking color, a deep eggplant purple jelly-creme. opi, color club, and now essie? looks like everyone had the same ideas this fall!
i'm still getting used to my new camera, so bear with me please
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