The Time Has Come...

I have been contemplating writing this post for a while now, and I can't put it off any longer. I have been blogging for a long time, si...

Showing posts with label high voltage collection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label high voltage collection. Show all posts

Friday, May 8, 2015

SuperChic Lacquer High Voltage Collection Swatches & Review

You're going to be positively invigorated by what I've got to show you today! SuperChic Lacquer is at it again, concocting some of the most fabulous lacquers out in the indie polish world right now. Their newest collection is called High Voltage and is made up of 8 neon chrome holographics. Yep, all those three words happen to describe these beauties and it equals GOOD STUFF!

All of these have the same formula so I'll just mention that first. They are incredibly easy to use. They apply like butter and are that perfect consistency between thick and thin so you can easily get super close to your cuticles without getting any pooling or dragging. They were all opaque in two coats; they dry satin-y matte so you'll need a top coat for maximum glossy-ness. I used SuperChic Lacquer's own Marvel Liquid Macro top coat.

Jolt is a blue toned purple. Stunning with a really strong holo rainbow!
SuperChic Lacquer Jolt High Voltage

This is Live Wire, a lime green. This is perfect for spring!
SuperChic Lacquer Live Wire High Voltage

Here is the first of three blues in the collection, Short Circuit. It's a hot ocean blue that's bound to flatter anyone.
SuperChic Lacquer Short Circuit High Voltage

Hot Finger is one of my absolute favorites of the collection, it's a warm rosy pink.
SuperChic Lacquer Hot Finger High Voltage

The polish with the best name in the collection is Electrifried, get it? Fried? Haha, I'm an easy to please person ;) This is a slightly mustardy lemon yellow.
SuperChic Lacquer Electrifried High Voltage

Splice is a turquoise blue that totally makes me think of summer and hanging out at the pool!
SuperChic Lacquer Splice

I wasn't sure I was going to like Reverse Polarity at first glance, but I actually love it! It's a coppery tangerine orange.
SuperChic Lacquer Reverse Polarity High Voltage

Last is Tripped, a radiant blue with a hint of deep periwinkle. This looked pretty close to Jolt in indoor lighting in the bottle, but they are very obviously different on the nail.
SuperChic Lacquer Tripped High Voltage

This collection goes on sale today, May 8 at 4 pm PST for $10 each on their Etsy site and their website There are a lot of bloggers & vloggers that have a 10% off code for ya, if you search for one you can save a little bit on these babies! Tell me which colors you are loving from this awesome collection! I can't say enough about them, they are all winners :)


❤ Kellie
The products mentioned were provided for an honest review.
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