The Time Has Come...

I have been contemplating writing this post for a while now, and I can't put it off any longer. I have been blogging for a long time, si...

Showing posts with label houndstooth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label houndstooth. Show all posts

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Incoco Suit Up

I've showed you a few Incoco manicures before, the dry nail polish appliques that you apply kind of like a sticker. I absolutely have loved each one I've tried and when I heard they came out with some new art designs I couldn't have been more excited for them.
This glitzy houndstooth design is called Suit Up. I really like this set, but it was a bit thicker and harder to manipulate during application than previous Incoco appliques I've used. I assume this is because of the design intricacy, there are more layers of polish. I do think that Incoco products are the easiest and best dry nail appliques on the market, bar none. And I've used quite a lot of them, which I will review soon. Anyway, these wear the best, seriously forever, like almost two weeks. And they conform to my nails the best out of any other brand. I had a bit of trouble with this particular design but what can ya do, I'm not perfect.
Do you dig this design? I have more to show you soon :)

EDIT: You can purchase Incoco products like this from their website,


This was sent for review.
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