The Time Has Come...

I have been contemplating writing this post for a while now, and I can't put it off any longer. I have been blogging for a long time, si...

Showing posts with label shoutout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shoutout. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

H&M Sinful Señorita

I've been wanting H&M Sinful Señorita for a long time and my gorgeous friend CCee sent me her bottle after she decided I would love it more than she did. Oh boy I could not love it more! This dark pink polish looks holographic in both low and bright lights, not a total linear but not really scattered either. Very satisfying. She is a saucy minx, now I know why they call her "sinful" ;)
Thanks CCee! Everyone should go check out this fantastic makeup/beauty blogger, she is after all, the person who first inspired me to start blogging :D


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

ds original

today i would like to show you all one of the most spectacular holographic polishes that i've come across in my short polish-loving life. miss scandalous from scandalously polished was going to put this gem on evil-bay but i jumped in and convinced her to sell it to me instead :D thanks girl!!

original is from the opi design series, which boasts diamond dust in their formula. that also translates to more $ along with the "special" factor. this is a lilac purpley holo that shines in every light, even indoors. adore j'adore ds original! this is two coats.
lamp light
don't forget to enter my latest contest! have a great day :D

Thursday, October 15, 2009


i was given this award and tagged by miss maria from polishign the nails!, who i've come to know and luv soooo much-o! thanks again hunny bee ♥

  • You have to put in a song that makes you happy.
  • You can tag as many people as you like, there is no limit.
  • Say at least one thing about each blog you tag, that will make them smile, something nice about their blog that makes you smile when you read it!
ok the song i'm choosing is "A Little Respect" by Erasure. it's one of those that gets stuck in your head until you feel like you want to literally smash your head on a desk or something (wow graphic sry) but for some reason, i LOVE this song. it makes me laugh and smile. i liked it even before they featured it on an episode of Scrubs, which is where the video below is from.

and I'm tagging:

Viola (i think this is your name haha) from Killer Colours
she does amazing things with her face and hair, stuff that have always had an urge to do but dont think i would ever have the guts to do. she does awesome tutorials as well, go check them out! i also looooved the post with the different pictures of the hair changes she's gone thru. and she does polish photos, so bonus!

Nicole from Magic Maid
of COURSE! this is my GUUURL! nic has got to be one of the nicest most genuine gals i've never met haha. lurrrve her to death and the girl has got a polish stash anyone would be envious of, *cough* i'm mainly talking about me being jealous haha :)

Liz from Iceomatic's Nails
i know, i know, i've sung liz's praises many times, but i'm doing it again cuz she's THAT cool. i love her sense of humor! totally smile when i go to her blog page. she has an infectious grin in her profile picture and she's such a doll! i love how she ties in her polishes with a picture or an object. very fun and very smile worthy.

Zaz from Les ongles de Zaz
her nails are super beautiful and she has amazing technique with application. also her blog design is just simply so lovely and her descriptions of the polishes perfectly describe them. i always smile when i see her talons pop up in my google reader because i know i'm in for a real treat :D

the Recessionista over at Nouveau Cheap
i am a recent reader of her blog, but am so happy to have found it. we have so much in common and we're both avid bargain hunters but won't sacrifice our style haha! i loved reading her reviews and it's so great to have a little forum on her "wednesday question" posts. she's a sweetie-pea!

Brooke from Getcha Nails Did
this gal is super super superwomen incognito. i'm convinced. she seems to be an awesome mom, a great lady, a rockin' dog caretaker, and a fabulous blogger with PERFECT application and photographing skills?? how can she do it? i call foul. she MUST be from another world. planet AWESOME. seriously though, Brooke has been nice and sweet to me from practically day one since i started my blog. and she's always ready to lend a hand with anyone's questions or troubles, cuz she's that dope. and she doesn't even need wonder women's whip ;)

there are many many more blogs that i adore dearly but i read about a million and i wanted to leave a few so other would have someone to tag haha ;)

happy friday!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

massini neons

i love neon polishes. i just have to say it. i la la LOOOOVE neons. i wish they were more wear-able. but i do what i want. so i wear them :D mary from body and soul blog gifted me with these in a contest win a while ago and i adore these massinis! they wear really well and have amazing colors plus a fun bottle shape. first pictures, then we talk.the first neon is a drop dead bright day glo called orange sunset. it dries matte as most neons do (first picture), and looks awesome that way, but really really looks unbelievable when covered with a topcoat. i used seche vite (second picture) and guuuuuurl, my camera couldn't HANDLE the hotness! look at that ethereal glow! i swear i glowed (glew?) in the dark with these tips. and flawless, flawless as could be, these looked like glass with topcoat. i wore this color for a WEEK.

this blue is called lightning blue which is such a cutie name. it went on sheerish looking and kinda jelly like but only two coats were needed for this opacity. i definitely don't have anything like it. another bright bright and matte w/o topcoat (first pic) . but of course i had to top it with my beloved seche. and again, it turned out looking completely flawless (second pic). how? idk cuz i'm no queen of application like some of the other bloggers around here ;) but if i can make these babies look this grand, so can you!

i think mary is selling massini polishes on her blog so head on over and check it out if you want to get your paws on some. i have some glitters and shimmers from them that i won too so i need to get swatching (and posting, i am so behind)

peace & love dear readers!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

reposting magnificence

go see April and Ashley's latest post on movie monster manicures HERE. really spectacular job girls!

a little update, i'm in the process of spring cleaning a few months too late, and i'm moving to another room in my house, also been cramming/studying for midterms and pulling extra duties at work so again, i'm apologizing for being behind on the b-loggin. and sad truth be told, my nails have been naked a few times this week YIKES! sick. i am forever shamed.

xoxo, hope your weekends are starting out wonderfully dears!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

get up on this!

yo yo yiggity yo! (i'm still on my rap kick, if you didn't notice haha)

i wanted to share some more new(ish) BLOOOGS that i have come to know and love lately with you kiddos! if you haven't subscribed to these great reads/looks, then you should!

All You Desire - one of the sweetest gals ever and she has amazing nails! plus she posts a TON & a half of swatches :)
The Kronicles of a Konad-er - this chick is so tough she's a POWER lifter and super beautiful (inside and out!) and i adore her KOTDs!
Nail'd & Polish'd - great pictures, awesome variety of polish swatches and really good descriptions of the polishes!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

ch-ch-check it out

i just wanted to direct some attention to a few new blogs that i've recently discovered. these are some FUN and AWESOME nail polish blogs and these ladies deserve readers! i simply adore them.

iceomatic's nails - she's already having 2 contest giveaways!
nailed. - beautiful beautiful pics
polish project - very new but awesome

anyway, i promise i will post some varnish pics this week, i really really promise. i have a ton and a half to show you. i just have to get them uploaded, which right now sounds way more challenging that it is or has to be haha. ugh i need a massage :(

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