The Time Has Come...

I have been contemplating writing this post for a while now, and I can't put it off any longer. I have been blogging for a long time, si...

Showing posts with label the mythical collection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the mythical collection. Show all posts

Sunday, May 3, 2015

GlitterDaze The Mythical Collection Part 2 Swatches & Review

Hey folks! Today I wanted to show you four more multichrome metallic flakie toppers that GlitterDaze has added to their Mythical collection! I've shown you five of the originals in a previous post, HERE. These are the same type of flakies, maybe a little smaller than the others? I might be imagining that though. I've show them all over black instead of by themselves this time because I think realistically that is how the majority of people will wear them.

On my index finger I have Ultraviolet Gypsy, a mix of bright purples, bright pinks, reds, oranges, and golds. On my middle finger is Celestial Genie, which shifts through shades of deep purple, midnight blue, and bright blue. My ringer finger has on Iridescent Pixie, a cooler version of Forbidden Fairy Dust, a mix of multicolored flakies and tons of chunky holographic shimmer. And last, on my pinky is A Siren's Lullaby, with flakies that range from aquas and teals to blues and purples, to pinks and greens. I used two coats of each over black crème Cult Nails Nevermore.

This is a shade shot of them.

Here they are in the shade with a matte top coat over them, so you can see the colors more clearly.

You can purchase these from for $12.50 each. What do you think of these mystical mythicals? I have to say, as someone who layers pretty infrequently, I'm a little bit over the multichrome metallic flakie trend, but I'm really happy to have the ones that I do and these are great. Ultraviolet Gypsy is my favorite of these four. Are you drooling over any of these?

Have a great one!

❤ Kellie
The products mentioned were provided for an honest review.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

GlitterDaze The Mythical Collection Swatches & Review

Hello there folks! Today I have some awesome new indie polishes to show you, GlitterDaze's The Mythical collection. These polishes are special because they are multichrome metallic flakies! This type of new flakie seems to be a budding trend for lots of indie polish brands right now, but these ones are different than a lot of the others I've seen. They're not just one color of multichrome, they are made up of fine particles of flakes in different mixes of shades so they create their own unique color shifting effect, if that makes any sense. Let's take a look!
Left to right: Moonlit Mermaid, Essence of a Unicorn, Interstellar Dragon, Forbidden Fairy Dust, Nymphomaniac

On my thumb is Moonlit Mermaid, a primarily blue mix of flakes that shift to aqua, green, gold and purple. My pointer is wearing Essence of a Unicorn, which is mainly a red toned purple with flakes in green, blue, and gold. I have Interstellar Dragon on my middle finger which is a gold mix that includes copper, bronze, and shades of green. Forbidden Fairy Dust is on my ring finger, it's a total mix of rainbow in seemingly finer particles than the others, and it has the addition of holographic microglitter. And last, on my pinky I have Nymphomaniac, a mix of pink, green, gold and teal.

Here is a shade photo so you can see how they look in lower lights. It was basically impossible to show their true amazingness, but you get a glimpse here I think. I've shown all of these at five coats; they are technically meant to be toppers, but I wanted to show you how they look by themselves on the nail to see the overall color effect. Forbidden Fairy Dust was the most opaque, I would say Interstellar Dragon was the least.

One of the gals I watch on YouTube, Jessface90, did a video review of these that is really great and she does live swatches of them! You should watch it HERE. These are quite easy to apply and would look good over a variety of colors, not just dark colors like iridescent flakies. Or you can wear them by themselves as I have shown you here. If I had to pick a favorite, it'd be Nymphomaniac, though that name is my least favorite haha.

This collection is available on the right now for $12.50 per bottle. These are really cool and the possibilities on how to wear them are endless! What do you think of them? Have you tried any multichrome metallic flakie polishes yet?

I'm glad you came by today!

❤ Kellie
The products mentioned were provided for an honest review.
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