The Time Has Come...

I have been contemplating writing this post for a while now, and I can't put it off any longer. I have been blogging for a long time, si...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Icing Halloween Polishes

Hey everyone! Hope you are all doing well. I wanted to show you some polishes I got at Icing before Halloween. They are "themed" a bit for Halloween but they would be equally enjoyable at any other time of the year as well. I found I liked them much more than I expected to. The colored glitter in a dark base is really kinda been done, and they always seem to look cooler in the bottles than on the nail. I shrugged my shoulders and decided to try them out anyway, not expecting the fab payoff that I got. I really love both of these.

Vampire's Blood has a black cream base with oodles of tiny magenta dark pink glitter. It looks great on and it was flashy and blingy but not knock-you-over-the head type of glittery. Very nice! It is a topcoat guzzler though, I used two coats of polish and two coats of topcoat.

Witch's Brew is equally awesome, with glitter in a greeny-blue turquoise shade. This one I think looks killer with my skin tone. It reminds me of a galactic nebula or something like that! Two coats on this one too.

I am guessing you'll still be able to find these at your local Icing stores, considering it hasn't been long since Halloween and their stock usually tends to be pretty abundant. Hope you have a great Friday everyone!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Rescue Beauty Lounge - Pepto Pink

Hi everyone! I'm sorry I have disappeared twice on you, but if you read my last post you know that I've been going through some trials and that I haven't put blogging as a huge priority lately. However, I am still alive and kicking and so very much appreciate your lovely words of encouragement. Big huge internets ((HUGS)) to all of you who has written to me or tweeted me or just left a nice comment. It means the world to me.

This is probably my favorite pink polish ever. It's called Pepto Pink by Rescue Beauty Lounge. I have about a million pink nail polishes, it's probably the most abundant color in my collection. But honestly the silkiness and sweet blush sexiness of this medium pink means it's absolutely a must-own nail lacquer in my opinion.

This is two coats of Pepto Pink with a top coat of Revlon Quick Dry Top Coat. Simple and stunning. So until next time, which will be sooner than the last time, *kisses* and a wave from me! Happy Halloween too dolls :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Glitter Gal - Light as a Feather

Hey everyone, I have been M.I.A. for a while and I wanted to let you know I am sorry for leaving you hanging. Not that anyone's gonna pine for me if I don't blog or anything, just a few people have been asking me what was up. I am going through a tough time in my life right now and don't have as much time and energy for blogging as I used to. It is something I want to continue to do, but it will be on a scaled back basis. Thank you for everyone who have sent me well wishes and internet-hugs, I love you all!

This is a new Glitter Gal nail polish called Light as a Feather. It's a *GASP* white linear holographic polish! I don't think I ever dreamed this would happen and yet the folks down under (Australia) at Glitter Gal have done it! This is a creamy white polish with fabulous rainbow holo, absolutely breathtaking. This is three coats.

You can buy Glitter Gal polishes from US supplier who furnished this amazing polish for my review, or at or if you're a local Aussie, at

Products provided for review.
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